Monday 27 September 2010


The location of the film is in a down town taxi and the setting throughout is quite dark, with a hint of green.

Collateral starts off by playing loud music over a black and white screen. The music then gets louder and faster, until all of a sudden it comes to a stop. By starting the film this way, it makes everything look more dramatic and adds a sense of expectation to the film.

The close ups of the characters, dark glasses and of their hands adds a sense of mystery to the characters, which makes the audience wander what relevance he or she has to the plot.

Although parts of the film are filmed during the day, these tend to be slightly dark!  A little way in to the film the music changes from loud and fast to quite relaxing, this gives the audience the feeling that nothing is going to happen, but could it be something major or unexpected that is going to happen?

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