Friday 18 March 2011

Timerime on thriller movies.

New final film.

This is our second attempt at our final film, due to the first one being inadequate. For our new final film we decided to do a nightmare that comes true. The clip starts off with the young girl tossing and turning in bed, that then fades out to a white screen and here is where the nightmare begins. The nightmare begins with the young girl running away from who ever/ what ever is following her, we used a high angle shot as this shows she is vulnerable. She trys to get in to rooms down the corridor but has no luck as all the doors are locked.
As she runs towards the door at the other end of the corridor and pushes the door open a dead girls hand falls and startles her, causing her to back away from the door, we used a point of view shot so that the audience has a clear view of the hand. As she is backing away, she feels a hand grab her on the shoulder this startles causing her to gasp. We do not show the person who has grabbed her, this is add a sense of mystery and to keep the audience interested to find out who has her.
We then filmed a low angle shot of a man walking down the corridor towards the door, as he unlocks the door we zoom in on the hand, we also enhanced the sound of the door unlocking to add effect. Whilst he was walking down the corridor we kept cutting from his feet to the dead girl in the closet, to build up suspense.  To show that the dream has come true we filmed a fuzzy T.V screen, that then cuts to photos of Monica and news articles of children that have been murdered, and have been stuck all over the wall in the closet she was found dead in. We put a voice over of a news recording that we had recorded to inform the audience exactly what had happened and to make it more realistic.

Whilst we were filming we had to consider the following;

For the costumes we decided that as it was a nightmare and she was in bed she would be dressed in night wear.

For the scenes where she is in school we dressed her in school uniform, to show that she goes to the school that she was murdered in, and its shows that she is still very young.

We dressed the male in a lab coat and green gloves to add to the mystery of who he is, and why he is at the school.

Lighting- During our filming we had the lights switched off, but at times during the film we made them flash, this is because it gave the setting an eerie atmosphere and because thrillers are associated with darkness. When we began to edit our filming we played around with the lighting and saturation to see which one was best suited to our film. We made a decision to put the colour saturation down to only 23%, making our film have a slightly grey and blue tint to it. (like paranormal activity.)

Camera angles- We used a number of different of camera angles and techniques such as; 

A high angle shot- we used this when Monica was running up the stairs away from the attacker. We used it because it shows that she is vulnerable. 

A low angle shot- We used a low angle shot for when the murder is walking down the corridor. We used this because it makes the audience feel like he is in control and it adds a sense of mystery. 

A close up shot- We used a close up shot on the keys and on the dead girls face. We used this shot because it shows to the audience that this part of the film is important, and that something may be about to happen, as they do not know what is behind the door. 

A framing shot- We used a framing shot for when Monica runs up to the door and tries to get in. This is because then the audience is able to see her facial expressions, which indicates to the audience how she is feeling.