Sunday 17 April 2011


Final film feedback.

For our final task we thought it would be a good idea to get audience feedback. We did this by showing people our film. Some of the comments we had were:

'' I really liked the camera angles you used, it made the film more dramatic.''
'' I like that you have edited the lighting by making it darker, it adds an eerie effect to the film.''
'' I like how you have edited it.''
'' It wasn't very long, but i thought it was quite thrilling.''

Some of the comments we received were good and some were bad. Having heard both sides of what people thought of our film, will help us in the future and will guide us on what needs to be improved.

Final film.

We got asked to make a three minute start of a thriller film, we tried to create a good thriller by including, suspense and an interesting story line with a twist in it.
We used a number of different camera angles and shots, to help show that the girl was vulnerable and in some sort of trouble.  

Promoting our film.

We made this poster to help advertise our film, we decided to keep it simple by only having the name of our film and an image from our film. We used the stereotypical black and red as these are the colours associated with  thrillers and the red writing also stands our against the black background.

We created a DVD cover for our film, again keeping it simple.
We had the title of the film, and image and a slogan saying 'Dont fall asleep'.
On the back of the DVD cover we had brief summary of what the film was about and the company producing our film.
Just like the poster, we used the stereotypical colours of a thriller, (black, red and white.)

Producing our final film.

When we were producing our final film, we used many different technology's such as;

A Sony Handy Camcorder- This camcorder is simple to use, you switch on, open the lens cover and hit the record button. On a handy camcorder you are able to watch what you have recorded, and zoom in and out when needed. It is what we used to film our final film. From using the camcorder i have learnt how to film properly, with the correct lighting, sound and movement.

A Tripod- using a tripod is simple, you simply attach the camcorder to the top of the tripod. This allows you to have a steady shot when needed. We used a steady
shot a number of times in our film, when we thought it was most appropriate.

A Yeti- a yeti is a type of microphone, to use it you plug it in to the USB port on a mac. Then you open up garage band and record what ever it is you want to record. We used the yeti to record the news reporters voice to put over the images at the end of our film. Whilst using the yeti i have not only learnt how to use the yeti its self but i have also learnt how to use garage band.

A Macbook- We use a macbook to upload our filming on to off of our camcorder. This is because the macbook has Imovie on it, which enables us to put our film together, edit it, and cut and paste things in and out of our film. From using a macbook i have learnt how to use a macbook and how to use Imovie. I have enjoyed using Imovie because it is a fun and inventive way of producing a film.

Making fake blood.

For our final task we needed blood for some of our scenes so we decided to make our own. We did this by: mixing Red food colouring, flour, water and golden syrup.
First we mixed food colouring and water in a small bowl, we then added flour and golden syrup to make the blood thicker and more realistic. 

Certificate rating.

We decided that our film would be a certificate 15, this is because we felt that anyone 15 years and above would enjoy it more than a younger age range. It also kept with in the guidelines of a certificate 15 film. 
A certificate 15 film can contain; 

Strong violence
Frequent strong language 
Portrayals of sexual activity
Strong verbal references to sex
Sexual nudity 
Brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence 
Discriminatory language or behaviour 
Drug taking.

The title of our film.

When it came to deciding the title of our film, we thought logically about what would be best suited to our film. Our film is about a young girl who has a nightmare that comes true, so we thought ''The nightmare that came true'' would be most appropriate for our film. This is because in just the title alone, you get an idea of what the film is about but it doesn't give anything else away, making the viewer want to watch it.

Mind map for final film.

This is our groups mind map for our new final film. We made a few notes on the things we thought needed to be included in our film to make it a good thriller.

Location shots.

This is a photo of the stairs where our character Monica, comes running up to get away from the attacker. This is where our film starts.

This is the door Monica runs through to get in to the corridor to try and get away from the attacker.

This is the corridor that she runs down, trying to get in to a class room and try and hide, but all the doors are locked.

This is the door at the other end of the corridor. As she pushes it open a dead girls hand falls, startling her and causing her to walk backwards and get grabbed.

This is an image of what the closet looks like inside. This is the closet that Monica was murdered in. Although when we were filming there was pictures of Monica and news paper articles stuck on the wall and there was newspaper on the  floor which Monica was laying on. This was to make the murder look planned.

Friday 18 March 2011

Timerime on thriller movies.

New final film.

This is our second attempt at our final film, due to the first one being inadequate. For our new final film we decided to do a nightmare that comes true. The clip starts off with the young girl tossing and turning in bed, that then fades out to a white screen and here is where the nightmare begins. The nightmare begins with the young girl running away from who ever/ what ever is following her, we used a high angle shot as this shows she is vulnerable. She trys to get in to rooms down the corridor but has no luck as all the doors are locked.
As she runs towards the door at the other end of the corridor and pushes the door open a dead girls hand falls and startles her, causing her to back away from the door, we used a point of view shot so that the audience has a clear view of the hand. As she is backing away, she feels a hand grab her on the shoulder this startles causing her to gasp. We do not show the person who has grabbed her, this is add a sense of mystery and to keep the audience interested to find out who has her.
We then filmed a low angle shot of a man walking down the corridor towards the door, as he unlocks the door we zoom in on the hand, we also enhanced the sound of the door unlocking to add effect. Whilst he was walking down the corridor we kept cutting from his feet to the dead girl in the closet, to build up suspense.  To show that the dream has come true we filmed a fuzzy T.V screen, that then cuts to photos of Monica and news articles of children that have been murdered, and have been stuck all over the wall in the closet she was found dead in. We put a voice over of a news recording that we had recorded to inform the audience exactly what had happened and to make it more realistic.

Whilst we were filming we had to consider the following;

For the costumes we decided that as it was a nightmare and she was in bed she would be dressed in night wear.

For the scenes where she is in school we dressed her in school uniform, to show that she goes to the school that she was murdered in, and its shows that she is still very young.

We dressed the male in a lab coat and green gloves to add to the mystery of who he is, and why he is at the school.

Lighting- During our filming we had the lights switched off, but at times during the film we made them flash, this is because it gave the setting an eerie atmosphere and because thrillers are associated with darkness. When we began to edit our filming we played around with the lighting and saturation to see which one was best suited to our film. We made a decision to put the colour saturation down to only 23%, making our film have a slightly grey and blue tint to it. (like paranormal activity.)

Camera angles- We used a number of different of camera angles and techniques such as; 

A high angle shot- we used this when Monica was running up the stairs away from the attacker. We used it because it shows that she is vulnerable. 

A low angle shot- We used a low angle shot for when the murder is walking down the corridor. We used this because it makes the audience feel like he is in control and it adds a sense of mystery. 

A close up shot- We used a close up shot on the keys and on the dead girls face. We used this shot because it shows to the audience that this part of the film is important, and that something may be about to happen, as they do not know what is behind the door. 

A framing shot- We used a framing shot for when Monica runs up to the door and tries to get in. This is because then the audience is able to see her facial expressions, which indicates to the audience how she is feeling. 

Thursday 17 February 2011

Old final film- story board.

This is part of our story board to our final film. The film starts off with two girls having a conversation whilst walking home, one of the girls then goes her own way home, leaving her friend to walk by herself to his house. Whilst she is walking home she gets grabbed (by a male, not knowing it is her friend), she bites him and runs off in the direction of the house.
Once she has arrived at his house she is out of breath and paniced. She asked to come in, her friend then asks her if she would like a drink. Whilst he is getting he a drink he asks if she is ok, so she starts to explain, whilst she is explaining she notices that he has a bite on his arm, she asks him how he got the bite, she then realises it was him that grabbed her.
24 hours earlier then comes up on the screen and the story begins to unfold,revealing the bits that the audience have not yet seen, (which is part of her day at school and her journey home.) We are filming our final film down the lane, outside of heathside, at weybridge park and a house in weybridge.  Once we have finished filming our final film we will then upload it and make any final changes such as, the lighting and making sure all our scenes run smoothly into each other. 



This video is our outtakes from our preliminary. During our time when we were filming we made a few mistakes, which we thought would be good to keep and to make in to a short film.
We will also be doing this for out final film, as i am sure we will make a few mistakes.


Auditions speech.

We came up with a short script of one of the scenes,  which we then got actors to read.

For our main task, we decided to do auditions so would could see who would be best for the part of the boy and girl.

Preliminary task.

For our preliminary task we deiced to film in quite an isolated area, we did this because it tighed into our story line. We used many different techniques, such as camera angles and movement.
When filming we took many different angles of the same scene, in order to see which one would work best for us. Once we had finished filming we began to edit, by deleteing unwanted scenes and making any final changes, such as enhancing the ringing of the phone, editing the lighting to give our film a more chillng feeling and making sure that our film ran smoothly from scene to scene.

This is the gate the runs through in a panic, in order to get away from what ever/ who ever  is following her.

This is the field that the girl runs past as she trys to get away from what is following her.

During the film a coversation takes place with in the shed, this is a main part in the story line, as the coversation explains what is about to happen.

This a wide angle shot of the isolated field in which we decided to film our preliminary.